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Click on the link below to discover the May/June 2024 magazine

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Our magazine is completely free! To support us, do not hesitate to share it on all your social networks! 

If you have a talent for grooming, you can be published in our magazine. 
Send your photos by clicking on the button above. The best are published in the next issue.

Groomers featured in this issue :


On the cover : June Tan Su Ai
Andreea Mihaela
Barber Tayama
Margie González
Palais de Dog
Sabrina Pedani

Do you want your work published too ? Send your best pics and videos to


July August 2024

Reacting Professionally when the Client Has Attempted Home Grooming

Groomer Connexion celebrates its 10th anniversary !!

May/June 2024

10 Years of Progress for Animal Welfare : The Impact of the DAATA Method in the Grooming Industry

Chat roux

March/ April 2024

Sustainable Grooming Products: A Necessity for Professional Groomers


January / February 2024

Special issue: A complete file devoted to tap water and its impact on grooming

Have you ever wondered what is actually in tap water?

We did it and it scared us!!

In this special issue, you will discover what is in your tap water and how it can negatively, and sometimes very negatively, affect your grooming.

November / December 2023

Canine massage: A beneficial complement to grooming

Canine massage is rapidly becoming a more commonly offered service in professional grooming salons within the world of animal wellness. Far from being a mere indulgence, this holistic practice provides benefits on both a physical and psychological level for our four-legged friends.

Find out more on page 20

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September / October 2023
Prepare your Christmas season in advance to make it a success!

Dear passionate groomers,

The Christmas season is fast approaching, and with it comes an exceptional opportunity for you, the dog and cat groomers, to make your grooming salon shine and pamper your four-legged clients. To help you make the most of this magical time, we have prepared a special Christmas pack, including a detailed indicative timetable to guide you through each essential stage of preparation. From strategic planning to creating a festive atmosphere, from offering special services to building customer loyalty, we'll provide you with practical advice and tips to make this Christmas season the most successful you've ever had known. Get ready to transform your salon into a magical place and offer your clients and their furry friends an unforgettable experience. Let's dive into this breathtaking world of Christmas for groomers together.


July / August 2023
From Chile to Korea - a groomer's adventure

Marcelo, groomer from Chile, traveled to South Korea to compete in the Hyponic competition. He tells us about his incredible adventure.


May / June 2023
No !! Diluting will not save the planet !!

Let's stop the guilt-ridden speeches of the consumer (the groomer) and make manufacturers responsible for saving the planet!!

March/April 2023
Know your cats breeds


January/February 2023
Interdigital inflammation in dogs
by Nathalie Doaré-Ariey-Jouglard DAATA-ICDG

féline ami

October/ November 2022
Grooming cats 
by Sylvie Corvers DAATA-ICDG

Champs de lavande

September / October 2022 Lavender's wonders


July/August 2022
Recognize the signs of stress in cats


May/June 2022
Everything you need to know about brachycephalic breeds !!


March / April 2022


November/December 2021
It's time to launch your Christmas contests!

Christmas is the perfect opportunity to launch contests that will allow you to keep your business alive, strengthen ties with your customers and, of course, boost your turnover.


January/February 2022
Mild surfactants

We've talked a lot about harsh chemicals, let's now talk about mild ones.

Image de Jon Tyson

September/October 2021
Yes, the customer is always right ! right ?

Is that old commercial adage still relevant today?  Find out in the September/October 2021 issue.


Why are hairless skin greasy?

Dogs and cats with bare skin are often oilier than others. Find out why in the July / August 2021 issue.


Why are some dogs so face sensitive?

Ever wondered why some dogs won't let you approach their mouth with the clipper or the shears ?

Groomer Connexion gives you the answer in the July/August 2021 issue .

Trois chats Lecture

May/June 2021
Let's talk about cats

What type of shampoo is best for cats?

In our May/June issue we talk about cat's shampoo and how to make the right choice !!

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Groomer Connexion is a registered trademark and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of its owner. The drawings on the grooming charts are the exclusive property of their author and can not be the object of any partial or total reproduction. All information provided in Groomer Connexion is for information only and can not be held responsible for the authors or the magazine or its owner. All information about Groomer Connexion is available on this website. To contact the editor, you can write to us at

Participating in Groomer Connexion by introducing your grooming salons or publishing your photos is free. You can send them to Please ensure that the quality of the pictures is sufficient.

Politique de confidentialité

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