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We do not accept new advertising in our magazine at the moment unless you are a brand that meets our standards :

If you are a product maker and if groomers' health and well-being is at the heart of your preoccupations then we might consider advertising your brand in our magazine.

We do not accept any shampoo brand that promotes dangerous chemicals whether they are dangerous for the groomer or for the planet.

Contact us for more information

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Groomer Connexion is a registered trademark and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of its owner. The drawings on the grooming charts are the exclusive property of their author and can not be the object of any partial or total reproduction. All information provided in Groomer Connexion is for information only and can not be held responsible for the authors or the magazine or its owner. All information about Groomer Connexion is available on this website. To contact the editor, you can write to us at

Participating in Groomer Connexion by introducing your grooming salons or publishing your photos is free. You can send them to Please ensure that the quality of the pictures is sufficient.

Politique de confidentialité

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